27 Jul 2024


Genius (KYE) Sound Card Drivers Download

Genius (KYE) Sound Card Drivers - 152 drivers found
Filter: Show All | Win | WinXP | Win2000 | WinNT | WinME | Win98 | Win95 | Win3 | Others
DriverFile Name / More InfoOperating System
  SOUND MAKER 5.1 driverSOUND_MAKER_5.1.zip [more]     Windows 95
  MP-300 driverMP-300.zip [more]     Windows Vista
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driverSM5.1W7.zip [more]     Windows 7
  Sound Maker Value5.1 driverSM5.1W7.zip [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Value Series driverSound_Maker_Value_Series.zip [more]     Linux
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverSMValue41_51_x64.zip [more]     Windows XP x64
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverSMValue41_51_V64.zip [more]     Windows Vista x64
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverSMValue41_51_V64.zip [more]     Windows Vista x64
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverSMValue41_51_Vista32.zip [more]     Windows Vista
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverSMValue41_51_Vista32.zip [more]     Windows Vista
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverSMValue41_51_Vista32.part1.exe [more]     Windows Vista
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.ZIP [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.ZIP [more]     Windows 95
  SoundMaker 5.x driversm5.1_VISTA_6000.rar [more]     Windows Vista
  sm32x2 driverSM32X2_XP_2000.zip [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverWin_XP.exe [more]     Windows XP
  SM-Value 4.1 driverGenius_4_1_WinXP.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverWin_98SE.exe [more]     Windows 98SE
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverWin_98SE.exe [more]     Windows 98SE
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverWin_2K.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverWin_2K.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverLinux.exe [more]     Linux
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driverLinux.exe [more]     Linux
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driverDosdrv.exe [more]      
  CMI8738 driverSETUP.EXE [more]     Windows XP
  fm801 driverfmwdm.exe [more]     Windows XP
  G5-MM4 driversounddrv.zip [more]      
  Sound Maker Live driversmls2kxp.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.1xp2k.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker DA driverda-nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Live driverlive_nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.1nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.1me.exe [more]     Windows ME
  Sound Maker Live driverlivew989.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.19x.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker DA driverda-w9895.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Live driverlivew981.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.19x.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Live driversmls2kxp.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Live 5.1 driversm5.1xp2k.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker DA driverda-w9895.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker DA driverda-w9895.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker Live driverlive_dos.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 32X2 driversm32x2xp2k.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker 3DX driver3dxnt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 32X2 driversm32x2nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 3DJ driver3djw31.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 3DX2 driver3dx2-nt40.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 64 driversm64.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 32X2 driver32x2me9x.exe [more]     Windows ME
DriverFile Name / More InfoOperating System
  Sound Maker 32X driversm32x9x.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 32X2 driver32x2me9x.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 3DJ driver3djw9895.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 3DX2 driver3dx2-w9895.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 64 driversm64.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 32X driversm32x9x.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 32X driver32x2me9x.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 3DJ driver3djw9895.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 3DX driver3dxwin95.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 3DX2 driver3dx2-w9895.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 64 driversm64.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 32X driversm32x2k.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker 32X2 driversm32x2xp2k.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker 3DX2 driver3dx2-w31.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 3DJ driver3djdos.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 3DJ driver3djw31.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 3DX driver3dxwin31.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 3DX driver3dxwin31.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 3DX2 driver3dx2-dos.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.1xp2k.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xgxp.zip [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.1nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 128 Value driver128v_nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xg_nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 18PnP driver18pnpnt4.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker 32 driversm32_nt.exe [more]     Windows NT 3.x
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.1me.exe [more]     Windows ME
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows ME
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows ME
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xg.zip [more]     Windows ME
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.19x.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 128 Value driver128v_w98.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xg.zip [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker 32 driversm32_w98.exe [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.19x.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 128 Value driver128v_w98.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xg.zip [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 16IE driversm16se.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 18PnP drivera8165.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 18PnP 3D driversm18pro.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 18Pnp Pro driversm18pro.exe [more]     Windows 95
  Sound Maker 32 driversm32_w98.exe [more]     Windows 95
DriverFile Name / More InfoOperating System
  Sound Maker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.1xp2k.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Value 4.1 driversmv4.1.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker Value 5.1 driversmv5.1.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker 128 XG driver128xg.zip [more]     Windows 2000
  Sound Maker 128 Value driver128v_dos.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 16IE driversm16se.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 18PnP driversm18pnp.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 18PnP 3D driversm18pro.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 18Pnp Pro driversm18pro.exe [more]      
  Sound Maker 32 driversm32_dos.exe [more]      
  LIVE driverGenius_SoundMaker_Li...kxp.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  SoundMaker Live 5.1/DVD driversm5.1xp2k.exe [more]     Windows 2000
  CMI8738 PCI - 6CH - LX driverGenius_Sound_Maker_V...-LX.zip [more]     Windows XP
  FM801-AU driversmlive2k.exe [more]     Windows XP
  SX32 driversm32x.htm [more]     Windows 98
  Sound Maker live 5.1 driverSM5.1ME.exe [more]     Windows ME
  k2007127-b driverSetup.exe [more]     Other
  SM 32X2 driverNewSfx1.exe [more]     Windows XP
  sm32x2 driverSOUND.DRV [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker 5.1 driverSETUP.EXE [more]     Windows XP
  Genius Sound Maker 128 Value A3D driverSM128A3D.zip [more]     Windows 98SE
  Genius Sound Maker 128 Value driverSM128VAL.zip [more]     Windows 98SE
  Genius SM32X2 driverSm32x2.zip [more]     Windows 2000
  soun maker driverSETUP.INI [more]     Windows XP
  SM LIVE driverSoundcardGenius.zip [more]     Windows XP
   128v_w98.exe [more]     Windows 98
  SM32X2 driverGeniusSM32X2.zip [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker driverSMLiveseries.rar [more]     Windows XP
  Soundmaster32 Disk 2/2 driversm32_w98.r00 [more]     Windows 98
  Soundmaker32 Disk 2/2 driversm32_w98.r00 [more]     Windows 98
  sm32x driverSM32x.zip [more]     Windows 98
  Soundmaker 32X driversm32x2xp2k.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Genius Sound Maker 128 driver128v_w98.exe [more]     Windows 98SE
  Genius Sound Maker 128 driver128v_w98.zip [more]     Windows 98SE
  Sound maker live Multi-channel PCI audio driverSMLS2KXP.exe [more]     Windows XP
  Sound Maker 32X2 driverGSM32X2WIN9XEng.zip [more]     Windows 98
  Soundmaker 3DX2 (K0237047 REVB) Chipset CX4235-XQ3 drivercswdm.exe [more]     Windows 98
  AA1815B driver  [more]     Windows 95 & 98
   install.exe [more]     Windows 95
   install.exe [more]     Windows 95
   install.exe [more]     Windows 95
   sm32_w98.exe [more]     Windows 95 & 98
  genius Sound Maker(SM)32 PCI Audio Accelerator driversm32_w98.r00 [more]     Windows 95 & 98
  SoundMaker 32x/Crystal 4281 driverpv5015c.zip [more]     Windows 95
   3dx2-w9895.exe [more]     Windows 95 & 98
   Cwcdos.exe [more]     Windows 98
  soundmaker 64 driversm64.exe [more]     All Windows Versions
  Genius SoundMaker 3DJ chip CX4238B-XQ crystal ISA driverGeniusSoundMaker3DJc...W95.exe [more]     Not Specified
   genius sound marker [more]     Windows 95 & DOS
   dsuninst.exe [more]     Windows 98
DriverFile Name / More InfoOperating System
   18pnpnt4.exe [more]     Windows 95
   3dxnt.exe [more]     Windows 95

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