9 Feb 2025


MediaVision Pro Audio 16 Audio Driver

Company: MediaVision
Model: Pro Audio 16
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mvpas16.zip


MediaVision Pro Audio 16 Driver. This is a rather ancient set of files and drivers (1993). It's the OEM disk files. Unzip it, then run INSTALL.EXE. It wants to create and put itself in C \PROAUDIO. It does a pretty good job of configuring itself.

Here's a cobbled explanation of how I got it working in DOS. I've long lost the manuals, and this is my best recollection.

In Config.sys

mvsound.sys d 3 q 7 s 1,220,1,5 m 0 j 1

d dma channel to use

q irq to use

s Soundblaster compatibility settings-

1st and 3rd numbers, not sure, but one of them is dma

2nd number, i/o port

4th number irq (must be different than q switch)

m no idea

j no idea

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 16349 02-17-93 01:46 PROAS.EXE 17535 02-17-93 01:46 FM.COM 81335 02-17-93 01:46 INSTALL.EXE 31256 02-17-93 01:46 LHARC.EXE 243140 02-17-93 01:46 MOD.LZH 39 01-09-95 10:04 MVCONFIG.TXT 7048 02-17-93 01:46 MVINST.INF 16846 02-17-93 01:46 MVSOUND.SYS 10684 02-17-93 01:46 PCM.COM 43211 02-17-93 01:46 PLAY.EXE 466 02-17-93 01:46 FILELIST.TXT 436653 02-17-93 01:46 PROGRAMS.LZH 92384 02-17-93 01:46 QAINFO.EXE 1505 01-09-95 10:03 SCANDOS.TXT 151451 02-17-93 01:46 TBPRO.LZH 11069 02-17-93 01:46 TEST.WAV 27544 02-17-93 01:46 TESTDMA.WAV 22544 02-17-93 01:46 TESTIRQ.WAV -------- ------- 1211059 18 files

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